"DESCRIPTION 1"="If you're bored with the status messages Yahoo! gives you by default (Be Right Back, Busy), you can create your own."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="To create a new status, click 'New Status', type in a new message to describe your status (for example Drunk, Insane, Can't Be Bothered), and click OK. Then on the next screen type "0" (without the quotes) if you want this to be an 'active' status and "1" (without the quotes) if you want this to be a 'busy' status. Then click OK."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="You can also edit or delete entries you've already made."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="Notes: You are limited to 5 custom status messages. If you have an older version of Yahoo! Messenger, the settings will affect all users; in more recent versions the settings will only affect the current user."
"DESCRIPTION 5"="Yahoo! Messenger may be obtained at http://messenger.yahoo.com/."
"COMMENT 1"="Thanks to CptSiskoX (cptsisko@mailandnews.com), AXCEL216, (axcel216@aol.com) and Jesse L Zufall (jzufall@yahoo.com) for this tip."
"AUTHOR"="Neil R. Turner (totalxs@hotmail.com) for Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved."
'Called when the Plugin should validate the Data the user has entered
SUB Plugin_CheckData(ElementIndex)
'Called when the Plugin should apply the changes
SUB Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex)
d=RegPathExists(a & "Profiles\")
if d=true then
b=RegValueExists(a & "Yahoo! User ID")
if b=true then
c=RegReadValue(a & "Yahoo! User ID")
g=a & "Profiles\" & c & "\"
end if
end if
if ElementIndex=1 then ' New entry
if RegValueExists(g & "Custom Msgs\1")=true AND RegValueExists(g & "Custom Msgs\2")=true AND RegValueExists(g & "Custom Msgs\3")=true AND RegValueExists(g & "Custom Msgs\4")=true AND RegValueExists(g & "Custom Msgs\5")=true then
Call MsgError("You cannot have more than 5 entries!")
' Firstly, we need to find out which value is free (either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5)
if RegValueExists(g & "Custom Msgs\1")=false then
' We can now use the first value
Call WriteMsg(1,g)
if RegValueExists(g & "Custom Msgs\2")=false then
' OK, can we use the second value?
Call WriteMsg(2,g)
if RegValueExists(g & "Custom Msgs\3")=false then
' Well what about the third value?
Call WriteMsg(3,g)
if RegValueExists(g & "Custom Msgs\4")=false then
' Surely the fourth value?
Call WriteMsg(4,g)
if RegValueExists(g & "Custom Msgs\5")=false then
' No! Not the fifth value! AAAAAHHHH!
Call WriteMsg(5,g)
Call MsgError("You cannot have more than 5 entries!")